发表于 2013-3-1 03:16:43
ebay 发表于 2013-2-20 05:39
On the line from Madrid to Seville, the service guarantees arrival within five minutes of the advertised time, and offers a full refund if the train is delayed further, although only 0.16% of trains have been so. In this regard, the punctuality of the AVE is exceptional compared to other non-long-distance RENFE services. On other AVE lines, this punctuality promise is more lax (15 minutes on the Barcelona line). A possible reason for this is that AVE services slow down to 200 km/h for the Sierra Morena section of the journey, because of the tight curves, and 250 km/h for the Córdoba-Seville section, possibly on account of medium-speed services running on the line, meaning that they have an easy means of recovering lost time if held up earlier in the journey.
我在2002年坐过。个人感觉主要还是1)气候条件好,马德里-塞维利亚线路经过的地区天气干燥温和,雨量少。没有雪。2)班次不是很密集,基本上30-60分钟间隔。3)排点比较松。这个上面的文章里也讲了(紫色部分)。有小延误可以追回来。4)停站少,中间只有Córdoba一个大城市。 |