When do you get your final satisfying targets? 你的最终满意的目标?
Who are the person affecting you continuously whatever postive or negative influence? 对你无法磨灭印象于一生的人?
What do you want? 你究竟要什么?
Why do you do this? 你为什么要这样?
Where is the place you decide to settle permanently? 你最后的归宿?
When do you get your final satisfying targets? 你的最终满意的目标? ——目前无从知晓
Who are the person affecting you continuously whatever postive or negative influence? 对你无法磨灭印象于一生的人? ——我的初中班主任,还有贴子里提到过的R师傅(尽管已经没有了感情)、I师傅、N师傅
What do you want? 你究竟要什么? ——实现十几年来没能实现的愿望
Why do you do this? 你为什么要这样? ——逃避现实
Where is the place you decide to settle permanently? 你最后的归宿? ——无从知晓