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发表于 2009-12-24 21:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.jpg 嘉阳小火车旅游画册正式面市
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:22:34 | 显示全部楼层
History of the Jiayang Narrow Gauge Train
In 1938 the Jiayang Coal Mine, the first Sino-British joint venture in Sichuan, was founded in Bajiaogou, Qianwei;
In August 1958 building of railway began between Bajiaogou and Shixi in order to transport coal out of the mountain;
On July 12, 1959 the railway line, which was in 600mm gauge in a total length of 20km, was open to traffic;
In 1960 the railway line underwent a full-scale transformation, whereby the track gauge was widened to 762mm;
In 1978 coal transportation and passenger service were separated, hence passenger train was inaugurated;
At the end of 2003 the Jiayang Group declared a plan to scrap the railway in order to cut down the operating losses, but this news drew wide attention and outcry from the public to preserve it as a historical relic;
In May 2004 the Sichuan Provincial Government promulgated policy measures to list the Jiayang narrow gauge railway as an industrial heritage;
On April 18, 2006 the Jiayang narrow gauge train and Bajiaogou-Shixi railway were named a key historical site and industrial heritage under protection by the Leshan Municipality;
In June 2007 the Jiayang narrow gauge train and Bajiaogou-Shixi railway were named a key historical site under protection by the Sichuan Provincial Government;
In November 2007 the naming ceremony of the Pride of Leichestershire was held, making the Jiayang narrow gauge train a symbol of friendship between China and Great Britain;
At the end of 2009 application is underway to list the Jiayang narrow gauge train and the Bajiaogou old mining area as a key national historical site and mining park.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:23:18 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:24:21 | 显示全部楼层

By Mo Shui
   We have so far witnessed the rapid development of science and technology as the transport means evolve, each making its way splendidly over the sea, the land and in the air. The railway, which is known as the foremost leader in transport, has always dominated the arena. Initiated by the steam locomotive in the 16th century, the Industrial Revolution swept the whole world. The steam locomotive, however, along with the trend of the times, has become bygone as historical vestige.
   Nowadays throughout the world, it is difficult to find steam locomotives in transport services as far as the eye can see, but here in a remote corner of southwestern China, a little train wriggles its way in the high mountains, spewing columns of white smoke whilst whistling past the wilderness, climbing the slope and ascending the peak. What a miracle!
   Leshan boasts the No. 1 Giant Buddha under heaven whilst Jiayang owns the world’s last-running steam train. The steam train, actually a train pulled by steam locomotive on narrow-gauge track, belongs to Jiayang Group under the Leshan Coal Mining Industry, Sichuan. Jiayang is known not for its good and shiny looks but for its narrow-gauge train, which is regarded as a name card to show off the picturesque Leshan region as it is preserved to continue its regular runs and attract tourists. Visitors from England, America, Russia, Australia, and Japan, have come in succession at the call of its whistle whilst domestic visitors flock in large numbers.
   Building of the narrow-gauge railway began in 1958 and the locomotives and rolling stock were determined to run on 76cm gauge track, which were diminutive and nearly half of the standard gauge. Though small, the train has all components and gears in place. It served to carry freight, miners and the residents and villagers along the line. Smoky and noisy as it may be, it enjoys great favor among the local residents. Though deep in the mining area, the people are beatified to have this little train as it meanders through the remote mountains like a long green dragon. Echoes can be heard far and wide in the mountainous area as it whistles by, exhausting fumes all the way, reverberating amidst the high mountains. Though the outside world is bright with multiple colors, the little train works earnestly in Jiayang – a place like paradise, quite content with itself.
   Steam locomotives in the world today are mostly preserved in museums on static display. Jiayang narrow-gauge train, as an industrial heritage, may be the last train still in service. With a deep passion we recall the stories of the little train in nostalgic remembrance more than just merely watching it, comprehending the magnificent feast of the Industrial Revolution and reviewing its rise and fall to ponder on the vicissitudes of science and technology. That’s why when many people from overseas come to Jiayang they become so fascinated with the little train that they almost forget to return. There have been heated arguments between the British and the Russians over the invention of steam locomotive and its discontinuation. At such thoughts, we should put our efforts all the more in the economic advancement. The little train in Jiayang as a reality in existence holds special significance to us as it is rare and precious both as industrial heritage and as a tourist attraction. All of our folks should do our bit to preserve it well for Leshan and for Sichuan to retain its continued service.
   Zhang Xiang, an aficionado of the Jiayang little train, is known as Zhang the enthusiastic. Over the years, he climbed the rocks and crossed the rivers and brooks through the mining area to capture the splendid moments and sights, sparing no efforts constantly in four seasons of the year. Whilst looking at his pictures, I’m filled with emotion and my recollections fly. Therefore I take it a pleasure to ink down my preface for this album by him, in which his photographic works outline a general picture of the Jiayang little train in a systematic and comprehensive manner, and the vicissitudes of the little train over the decades are revealed.
   His angle of view is original and his styles are different from one to another, just in their original, plain conditions and appearing in elegance. From the configuration of the Jiayang little train, one may be able to trace the rut mark of the historical age; in the snow white steam, one may succumb to a confusion and release his thinking; in the tourists’ joy and laughter, one may realize the splendid history and simplicity of the reality; amidst the peaks after peaks, one may become more aware of life in the interweaving of vigor and quietness. The Jiayang little train is reputed in the world as a living industrial fossil whilst the photographic works about the Jiayang little train brings a vivid, clear-cut, and systematic portrayal of the living fossil above all. This move is really a good deed and means long-lasting significance!
   With the publication of the photographic works about the little train, I sincerely hope the living fossil will be forever fresh and bright and will remain in our memory to maintain our awareness to life.
Jiayang Narrow-gauge Train
A Living Fossil of the Industrial Revolution
  In 1938 a coal mine was founded in the small town of Bajiaogou (Plantain Valley) in Qianwei county, Leshan in southwestern China’s Sichuan province, which was the first Sino-British joint venture in Sichuan. In 1958 a railway was built between Bajiaogou and Shixi, which serves as the only transportation means for the local people to go in and out of the valley till today.
  Now on the track, six steam locomotives still remain in working condition. Typed as ZM16-4 they were built by the Shijiazhuang Motive Power Machinery Works in the 1950s and 1960s as coal-burning locomotives with 0-8-0 wheel arrangement on narrow gauge track, weighing 16 tons, having 3,168kg tractive effort, 13kg working pressure in boiler, and running at maximum speed of 35km/hour, and control speed with passengers at 20km/hour.
   The narrow-gauge (762mm) railway line on which the little train runs is between Bajiaogou town and Shixi town in Qianwei County, which is 12 km from the country seat of Qianwei. The total length of the track is 19.84km and there are 6 tunnels and 109 curves with minimum radius at 70m, maximum gradient at 36‰, and a difference of 238m in elevation along the line. The locomotive pulls 7 mini carriages for passengers, each with 18 seats. There are 4 stops for sightseers in addition to 8 regular stops, namely Shixi, Yuejin, Mifengyan, Caiziba, Xianrenjiao, Jiaobaa, Bagou, and Huangcunjin. The train makes four regular departures a day at 6:00, 9:30, 14:00 and 17:30 respectively, and each run takes approximately 2 and a half hours to and fro. There is a special run for tourists on holidays and festivals.
   The railway was built according to the mountain encirclement, where the topography is precipitous, the landscape is feactured with peaks one after another, the rivers are clear and the mountains are green, which present picturesque scenery; in the scenic area down the canyon there are spinulose trees of the Jurassic period; along the tracks villages are scattered, where the farmers still keep to traditional farmwork and the social practice is simple; in the town of Bajiaogou there are Soviet style houses, British style houses, and green tile-roofed houses typical of southwestern characteristics that coexisting with each other; there are industrial ruins of the Anti-Japanese War period, the tour down into the mine pit for sightseers, the old Shuixing village of the Qing Dynasty, the spinulose lake at Tongxing, the watchtower at Mamiao, the sea of bamboo and the jadeite lake, and the fishing boat singing an evening song… all of which constitute a unqiue, natural and cultural line of scenery. 4.jpg
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:27:17 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:27:53 | 显示全部楼层
蒸汽时代 全手动
百年前的风 百年前的云
  蒸汽时代 全手动操作嘉阳小火车保留了蒸汽时代最原始的操作方式,人工加煤、手动驾驶、信号旗和口哨指挥、人工扳道岔、人工接钩、人工刹车制动、手摇电话联络等,成为工业遗产不可或缺的内容。
   Steam Era and Manual Operation
   The Jiayang little train retains the most primitive way of operation: coal is manually charged by fireman, engine is piloted manually and directed by hand-waved signal flag and whistle, track is switched manually, carriages are coupled up and braked manually, and communication is made by hand-operated telephones, etc., all of which constitute inseparable components of the industrial heritage.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:28:31 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:29:29 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:30:13 | 显示全部楼层
石溪站 检修车间
红了樱桃  绿了芭蕉  染黄了
  ?石溪站 小火车检修车间位于石溪火车站,是维修制造蒸汽小火车的地方。老旧的车间和检修设备、英国车床等成为理想的摄影场所,电视剧组和摄影团队经常联系取景拍摄。要想参观或拍摄嘉阳小火车检修车间,需要提前和嘉阳集团旅游开发管理部联系(0833-4092147、13668366808)。
  Shixi Station and Maintenance Shop
  The maintenance shop, located at the Shixi station, is a place for servicing and repairing the steam locomotive. The old workshop, the maintenance machine and equipment, and the lathes from England make up a vintage site for photography, so TV crews and photography organizations often come here to shoot their films. For a visit or photographing the maintenance shop, please contact the tourism development department of the Jiayang Group before hand (0833 409214 or 13668366808).
   The Shixi station is the starting station of the Jiayang little train. Shixi Town is only lively town for rural fairs on the railway line. On the 1st, 4th and 7th of the solar calendar, villagers from the mountains go to the fair to sell their agricultural produce and sideline products and purchase their daily necessities, as well as young pigs, chicken and other livestock.
   The little train makes four departures daily at 6:00, 9:30, 14:00, and 17:30 respectively and takes 2 and a half hours to travel to and from.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:30:43 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:31:27 | 显示全部楼层
  Juejin Stop
  Juejin (Leap-forward) stop got its name due to the bridge that was built during the Great Leap-forward Period (1958~1960). It’s where the headquarters of the Jiayang Group is located, also known as Sanjing (No. 3 Pit). Sanjing is a state-owned coal-mining centre for thin layer excavation at an annual capacity of 1.2 million tons. Coal is transported by electric locomotive under catenary to Shixi for electricity generation, while steam locomotive pulls passenger carriages. Here the Guanyinxi Park is surrounded by meandering brook, rows of buildings are scattered at the foot of the Guandou Hill, and visitors flock to the Huangjiaolan Park, making a new, harmonious picture the mining area in sight.
  Juejin Stop is where the new mining area of the Jiayang Group is located, facilitated with pits, a power generating station, and a mining park and supported with hotels, inns, restaurant, and entertainment facilities. It’s 5km from Shixi to the mining area, where tourists can stay, take a ride of the little train, and photograph the steam-pulled train or electric train that pass by, while experiencing the colourful cultural life of the mining area. Phone of the Jiayang Hostel: 0833 4092202, and phone of the Railway Friends’ Club: 13668366808.
  It takes approximately 15 minutes for the passenger train to arrive at the Juejin stop from the Shixi station. Calculated from the Shixi station, it takes approximately 145 minutes for the train to reach the Huangcunjing stop and return to this stop.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:32:23 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:33:21 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:33:52 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:34:29 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:35:13 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:35:51 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:36:33 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:39:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 21:40:06 | 显示全部楼层
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