matricn 发表于 2009-9-1 15:37:26


lingsir 发表于 2009-9-1 16:07:01


cg197601 发表于 2009-9-1 20:12:06


zjzd 发表于 2009-9-2 19:50:34

貌似说欢迎来到坐落在汉堡的世界最大的铁路模型         是不是这样的    谁听力好给翻译一下

zjzd 发表于 2009-9-2 19:55:38

这沙盘估计的耗资百万欧    太NB了   牛

liliput 发表于 2009-9-2 20:40:23


陈勇 发表于 2009-9-2 20:47:25

原帖由 zjzd 于 2009-9-2 19:55 发表
这沙盘估计的耗资百万欧    太NB了   牛

[ 本帖最后由 陈勇 于 2009-9-2 20:56 编辑 ]

陈勇 发表于 2009-9-2 20:55:15

原帖由 zjzd 于 2009-9-2 19:50 发表
貌似说欢迎来到坐落在汉堡的世界最大的铁路模型         是不是这样的    谁听力好给翻译一下

calphen 发表于 2009-9-2 21:18:48


仙剑奇侠 发表于 2009-9-2 22:03:41

:victory: :victory: :victory:

ylsd620 发表于 2009-9-2 23:53:07


lixianfeng_00 发表于 2009-9-3 00:07:00

原帖由 老徐 于 2009-8-31 23:20 发表

lixianfeng_00 发表于 2009-9-3 00:08:37

原帖由 edonis 于 2009-8-31 23:14 发表

D95 发表于 2009-9-5 20:36:41


8k0002 发表于 2009-9-5 21:41:17

:victory: :victory: :victory: :victory:

陈勇 发表于 2009-9-6 18:05:05


    Welcome to the Miniatur Wunderland, the largest model railway in the world and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Germany.
    However, Miniatur Wunderland located in Hamburg is much more than just a model railway. Spanning over one thousand one hundred (1,100) square meters and building over five hundred thousand (500,000) working hours of virtual work(?) has involved, with incredible attention to detail. Round about five million (5,000,000) visitors already entered this adventure for the whole family.
    In only a few moments you go from Scandinavia over Germany, Austria, and Switzerland right to the distant America. In America you can experience the night life of Las Vegas, and the natural beauty of the Great Canyon and the Rocky Mountains. Experience the fantasy regions of Denmark, Norway, or the snow-covered Sweden, along the Northeast Sea into the metropolitan city of Hamburg with many of its impressive buildings and landmarks recreated in loving detail!
    In the other scenes of Switzerland and Myer forests are diverse vegetations in the steep mountainsides dotted with rusty carts and railroads. The famous fantasy city of Knughenia is a special attraction with busy fire departments that battle periodic fire blazes. Additionally, the Knughenian police department works hard on traffic control, polling overspeeding cars.
    Generally speaking there are over one hundred and seventy (170) computer-controlled cars in Scandinavia, America, and Knughenian areas of the Miniatur Wunderland. There are eight hundred (800) trains with approximately ten thousand (10,000) railroad cars, which travel several hundred kilometers each day. The longest train has a length of forty and half meters (40.5m). Altogether over ten kilometers (10km) of track have been laid. On the Northeast Sea with thirty thousand (30,000) litres water capacity, you will experience ships large and small, all going about their business under computer control.
    The Miniatur Wunderland is not only a world of trains, ships, and landscapes, but also of people. Currently there are over two hundred thousand (200,000) small inhabitants residing in the Wunderland, representing all possible real life situations. Thick people, thin people, animals on trips, or very strong famous children, working population, entertaining fire eater, various life shows, or no longer saved life ones. See wild animals and other very shy herds, and above all you examine the life like it is real.
    Nearly all inhabitants of the Miniatur Wunderland have a roof over their head. Discover large buildings, small buildings, houses upside down, or secret underground bases, houses with bad reputation, city halls, and lighthouses at the coasts. Distributed all along the railing of the exhibit can be found over one hundred and fifty (150) pushbutton actions, these vigil visitors can enter and pull the life and motion occuring at the Wunderland.
    From the central control stand the complete technique is supervised and controlled by human eyes with the help of more than forty (40) computers. More than two hundred (200) cameras support the co-workers doing this job!
   The creative team of one hundred and sixty (160) associates is never short of ideas, since the Swiss section with towering mountains of six meters (6m) height, enormous famous corners and many more attractions have been finished shortly.
   Now a new section will be built before the eyes of the visitors - this will be a large airport. After one and half years building time the airport shall be opened in 2009. The centralized light control of the layout provides the full realistic day and night's animation. One day in the Wunderland takes 15 minutes, at nightfall over three hundred thousand (300,000) small LED's and the exhibit create a miraculous atmosphere.
    Have you already experienced it? Visit the Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, 5 Has Straata, and prepare to be amazed!

[ 本帖最后由 陈勇 于 2009-9-23 17:41 编辑 ]

陈勇 发表于 2009-9-6 18:29:03

1) Miniatur Wunderland 是德语,等于英语的 Miniature Wonderland (微缩奇妙世界);
2) 该沙盘总面积1100平方米,花了50万个工时,到目前为止已接待了500万参观者;
3) 只是在斯堪的纳维亚、美洲和克罗芬尼亚区,就有170辆电脑控制的汽车运行;
4) 该沙盘上共有800列列车,1万节车厢,每天运行几百公里;
5) 最长一列火车为40.5米,共铺轨道10公里;
6) 在东北海区,有3万立升的真水,用于模型船运行;
7) 在该沙盘上共有20万“人”居住,还有不计其数的动物;
8) 设有150个按钮,供参观者自己动手控制沙盘上的动作;
9) 中央控制台有40台电脑控制列车的运行,由200个摄像头监控;
10) 沙盘由160名合伙人制作,沙盘上的新机场花了他们1年半的时间;
11) 沙盘上的一天为现实中的15分钟;晚上有30万盏LED 灯照明;
12) 该沙盘位于德国汉堡港口路5号

[ 本帖最后由 陈勇 于 2009-9-6 21:13 编辑 ]

edonis 发表于 2009-9-6 19:53:27

回复 #37 陈勇 的帖子


陈勇 发表于 2009-9-6 22:38:56


    欢迎你来到微缩奇境世界,这是世界上最大的火车模型 沙盘,也是德国最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。

[ 本帖最后由 陈勇 于 2009-9-6 22:40 编辑 ]

jasmile 发表于 2009-9-7 02:00:59

页: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: 这个沙盘绝对是太牛了!!!