99 Ranch in Chino Hills is formerly Ralphs. When 99 Ranch parent company brought the shopping center. It kicked Ralphs out and open up 99 Ranch Market. Just hope there is one open further east toward us. :lol 原帖由 Odymann 于 2009-4-22 03:13 发表 http://bbs.hasea.com/images/common/back.gif
Really! There is alot of Chinese moving into the area. Maybe the next Chino Hills/RH.
I brought it at the end of 2004. Do you plan to move it here or just investing?
plan to move to eastvale coz i can only afford the houses there, big, cheap and new:lol wanna buy one by the end of this year and take advantage fed's $8000 credit for first time home buyers:lolwe'll be real neighbors soon, hahah. how is the smell from nearby dairylands? i heard it's awful but i didn't feel it. Don't forget the $10000 from state too.
It has been better with the smell. When we moved there, it was awful and with lots of flys. You don't have as much flys now and the smell depends on the location and the direction of the wind. There are still dairy in Chino and Ontario that generate the smell. Only a handfull of dairy farm left in Eastvale.
All I can said is Welcome to Future City of Eastvale :handshake . Visit www.eastvaleresidents.com for info. and events. Feel free to contact me for more info. I live in nyc Chinatown.. and working in longisland..
MTA LIRR beside my job-apartment, so I can see the train everyday.!:lol 华盛顿州, 西雅图市郊:lol
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3047/2861653876_72a01ae069_b.jpg 原帖由 tstt 于 2009-4-17 04:53 发表 http://bbs.hasea.com/images/common/back.gif
我在Missouri 我们这儿只能看到BNSF四机重联的货列
在nyc的飘过 我在Florida:lol,重点关注CSX和Norfolk Southern
[ 本帖最后由 jhf0551 于 2009-7-15 18:44 编辑 ] 我以前在New Mexico,现在在南卡。看车还是西南舒服。 有DC地区的吗?我在Fairfax, VA,请问各位,你们知道DC附近有什么火车模型博物馆么?谢谢 I am in Memphis,TN. 原帖由 Odymann 于 2009-4-22 05:09 发表 http://bbs.hasea.com/images/common/back.gif
Yes, things has changes alot recently in this area and it has become more convenient.
99 Ranch in Chino Hills is formerly Ralphs. When 99 Ranch parent company brought the shopping center. It k ...
I finally bought a house in Corona, but not in eastvale:lol It's in Corona hills near freeway 91 and 15, haha~~
Now I will suffer 40+ minutes freeway traffic everyday between work and home, previously only 10 minutes local drive.
回复 #69 hyde 的帖子
I am moving to Arlington soon. Congrats. You just moved yourself to a traffic grid lock area. There will be Sr-91 and I-15 construction in about few years. Enjoy! :) Congrats. You just moved yourself to a traffic grid lock area. There will be Sr-91 and I-15 construction in about few years. Enjoy! :) Thank you, but I am referring Arlington, VA. Memphis,TN 原帖由 Odymann 于 2009-12-1 05:01 发表 http://bbs.hasea.com/images/common/back.gifCongrats. You just moved yourself to a traffic grid lock area. There will be Sr-91 and I-15 construction in about few years. Enjoy! :)
you are right. i didn't know the 91/15 intersection is that busy before i moved there. good thing is i only need to drive 10 miles on 91, and then merge to 71 all the way north to fwy 60. i am driving on 3 fwys everyday to work, hahah, but yes, i am enjoying it right now:) liaus 发表于 2009-4-14 11:28 static/image/common/back.gif
我在 Flagstaff, 有空可以上山来看BNSF呀
有机会一起去探访一下Grand Canyon Railroad Melbourne Florida 我这里看不见非死不可的相册