为什么版名中把车迷翻译成"Trainspotter"这个词呢?这个词通常只在英国英语中使用,而且在公共领域中还略带一些贬义。为什么不用更为大众所接受的Railfan这个词呢?不过我没有跟English Native Speaker交流过的经历,所以不清楚在英语中车迷内部是怎么称呼自己的,以上的论点只是参考了Wikipedia上Railfan词条的内容。供参考。
In the UK, railfans are sometimes called trainspotters, grizzers or gricers,according to their speciality (see below). The term trainspotter hasbecome somewhat derogatory when used by the general public. They arealso known as Zeds
due to the fact that many special trains have a 1Zxx prefix. There arestill some pure 'trainspotters' (see below), but a large proportion ofUK enthusiasts have wider interests than mere 'spotting'. 哦 真是这样的话,是个需要探讨的问题 原帖由 lifanxi 于 2008-11-30 21:35 发表 http://bbs.hasea.com/images/common/back.gif
不过我没有跟English Native Speaker交流 ...
It is a misconception that all railfans are 'trainspotters'. Manyenthusiasts simply enjoy reading about or traveling on trains, orenjoying their rich history - which may extend to art, architecture,the operation of railroads, or simply modelling, drawing orphotographing them.
Those who are "trainspotters" make an effort to 'spot' all of acertain type of rolling stock. This might be a particular class oflocomotive, a particular type of carriage or all the rolling stock of aparticular company. To this end, they collect and exchange detailedinformation about the movements of locomotives and other equipment onthe railway network, and become very knowledgeable about its operations.
The equipment of a trainspotter consists of a data book listing allthe locomotives or other equipment in question, in which locomotivesseen are ticked off, and a notebook and pens, to note sightings fortransfer to the book at leisure. In the UK, this aspect of the hobbywas given a boost by the Ian Allan"ABC" series of booklets from the 1940s onwards. Sometimes,trainspotters also have cameras, but railway photography is mostlylinked to railfans.
Some trainspotters now use a tape recorder instead of a notebook. Inmodern times, cellphones and/or pagers are used to communicate withothers in the hobby, while various internet mailing lists and web sites aid information exchange. Railfans can maintain private computerized databases of spotting records as well. Radio scanners are common equipment for listening to railroad frequencies in the US to follow rail traffic.
Those who spend most of their time on one station only are known as "stoats"[citation needed] or "veg"[citation needed]. "Cranks"[citation needed] are particularly attracted to one type of train and make sure they see all of its workings. "Neds"[citation needed]concentrate on special rail activity and tend to ignore the regularhappenings on the lines, and look for "gen" (information about railwayworkings) prior to spotting.
[ 本帖最后由 Enzojz 于 2008-11-30 22:12 编辑 ]
回复 #3 Enzojz 的帖子
知道什么法国车迷论坛不? http://www.trainsfrancais.com/punbb/index.php需要注册
其实满多的,不过这个比较大。据说法国的车迷数量在2万-5万之间,这个论坛的注册人数已经算是比较多了,信息业比较全面。 无知了,也去查了一下,
Trains-potter被翻译成火车牌号收集者,应该没啥贬义,但楼主说得有一定道理,Trains-potter应该是指火车迷里特别喜欢收集车号的家伙们吧,呵呵 原帖由 herroyuy 于 2008-12-1 23:10 发表 http://bbs.hasea.com/images/common/back.gif
我一直认为是train-spotting~~~就是看火车~ 原帖由 Enzojz 于 2008-12-2 02:48 发表 http://bbs.hasea.com/images/common/back.gif
:lol 我每周三有节英语课,一直也想着就在明天上课的时候问一下我们老师
既然herroyuy兄已有明确结论,还是尽早改掉比较好,省得出什么麻烦呵呵 好,那大家说改成那个名字比较好
International Railfans?
International Railway Enthusiasts?
说好后三个斑竹一起和管理员说明下情况要求改名吧。 呵呵,我倾向于简单明了的
International Railfans
International Railway
:) 我也倾向于International Railfans. International Railwayfans 我咋脑子里一直蹦这个词有Railwayfans这个词吗?
International Railfans简单明了,通俗易懂,含义准确 那我发站内短信和管理员说下了。
[ 本帖最后由 Enzojz 于 2008-12-3 05:05 编辑 ] 我在另外一个帖子里也建议过,个人认为railfans一词能比较全面得体地表述火车迷这一群体。 看见名字已经更改咯